Dear Valued Guests,

We are pleased to announce that the reopening day is on Monday, May 25, 2020. Please call (604) 266-1088 to book your appointments.
In order to protect our valuable guests and employees from the risk of COVID-19, the COVID SAFE protocol as below has to be strictly followed;

Best hygienic practices

  1. Proper hand hygiene – wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds frequently and thoroughly
  2. Frequent use of alcohol based hand sanitizers – hand disinfection is mandatory after the exchange of objects with customers. Hand sanitizer will be available for use as an additional measure between hand washing however, should not replace hand washing
  3. Good respiratory hygiene (cover mouth and nose with your arm, when coughing or sneezing even with a mask on). Wash hands after.
  4. Cleaning/disinfection of work surfaces and touch points such as door handles, headsets, card machine etc. after each use, alcohol spray or other disinfectants will be provided
  5. Refrain from touching your mouth, nose, eyes, as much as possible throughout the days


  • Time out between each appointment to ensure sanitation is conducted properly
  • Will be asked on traveling history, like symptoms of any illness when appointment is made
  • Will be asked to bring their own mask and wear it for the duration of their visit
  • Friends and family without a schedule service at the same time, are not permitted to accompany customers to their visit
  • Temperature detecting with touchless device upon check-in for their appointment
  • Wash and sanitize hands before and after each service
  • Coat check no longer provided until operation is fully recovered

Physical distancing

  • limited total number of people in the premise, maximum 8 persons
  • 6 foot physical distancing must be maintained as much as possible from employee to employee, guest to guest, employee to guest – unless you are with a guest that you are serving
  • Refrain from hugging, kissing or shaking hands with guests or other employees

Our commitment to you is that COVID-19 procedures that will be advised and mandated by Work Safe BC and professionals; will be in place and followed.
We look forward to serving you with high standard services in a safe and clean environment. Thank you for supporting our business.

Best Regards,

2nd Look Spa Management